Saturday, 13 February 2010

A is for

Alliterative Poetry

Fuzzy, furry fella
find him to be
much more than
a friend to me.

My insight
My intuition
My ideal

When I need, I take a break
I stroll, he runs
We never languish

Laughter lifts the air
delicious delightful cheer

Hastily he pulls me along.
Am I about to levitate?
In the next instance
I’ll be flat faced.

Would I have it any other way?
Hope my fuzzy furry fella
Lets me stay another day

You may not know what alliteration is in which case this article will open your eyes to a completely new literary device.

In modern alliterative poetry you use the same consonant sounds in words. In old English verse you would alliterate by using vowel sounds.

Take a look at our alliterative poem above:

Fuzzy, furry fella
find him to be
much more than
a friend to me.

Five words begin with the letter “f” but only the two words beginning with “fu” truly alliterate in the modern sense.

Key Ideas

In alliterative verse it is the sound and not the letter that is important. For example, repetition of the same sounds or of the same types of sounds may be found at or near the beginning of words. The repetition is in stressed syllables.

Consider how alliterative poems are put together by pulling out all the repetitive sounds in the above poems and others you find. Try also saying these words out loud.

Spoken-word poetry benefits greatly from effective use of alliteration. It can be used where and when you want specific verses to stand out. As a bonus adding emphasis using repetitive consonant sounds allows your poem to become more memorable to others.

Top Tip: Consider who or what you are writing about.

Alliterative poetry is fun. When you have an opportunity to share your love of words with a specific group be it family, friends or loved ones, you might also try getting them to write their own pieces.

Ask lots of questions of them. For instance, ask them to pick out the alliterative words in poems other than their own.

Ask them to create a bank of alliterative words that they can use in their own poems.

Ask them to think of a person, place or object, to have in mind before they begin their piece.

All the alliterative questions you ask of others you can ask of yourself when you write your own poetic verse.

Photographic Series

Why not think how you might capture your poetic ideas in a series of photographs.

Telling a photo-story is often a fun way to bring out more ideas in your poetic verse. It also gives you a great opportunity to get out and about with those family members, friends and loved ones – making it a great alternative to watching television, don’t you think!

Today’s Final Note

Thanks to all of you who have been sending us your pieces on facebook and entering our competition. Please keep them coming we love hearing from you.

To enter our poe-tography contest details can be found here:

Send your Poe-tography entries to:

We’ve got some great ideas for how competitors might feature within IPoetry TV in the future. Yes we want you all to be a part of our future so keep your work coming.

Key Points to Remember
Alliterative Poetry makes use of the same consonant sounds in words

Thinking about who or what you are going to write about enables your work to have a specific focus.

Have fun with others creating a photo-story for your poetic verse.

Continue to follow the rest of these articles in our poetry-e-series for more tips and ideas.


The IPoetry TV Team
© Copyright e1top 2010

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